The project site is located at 30-15 48th Avenue in Long Island City, Borough of Queens, City & State of New York and is bounded by three public roadways and an adjacent parking lot.
The proposed development included the alteration of an existing warehouse with a minimum ceiling clearance height of 26 feet. Alterations included the demolition of the existing roof and center building columns. Following demolition, new center columns and roof girders were constructed with open space as a major consideration. The total floor space is approximately 53,000 square feet.
JZN Engineering provided geotechnical investigation and engineering services utilizing a drilling subcontractor with a limited access, track mounted drill rig to assess the subsurface soils conditions and provide recommendations for new column foundation design, new Con Edison Vault foundation design, and earthwork specifications. Due to the presence of underlying, soft, and highly compressible organic deposits, we recommended the new column foundations be supported on either driven steel H-piles or drilled hollow bar piles with allowable axial compressive capacities and uplift capacities of up to 100 tons and 45 tons, respectively.
¨ Subsurface Investigation
¨ Deep Foundation Design
The project site is located at 35-09 Starr Avenue in Long Island City, Borough of Queens, City & State of New York and is bounded by three public roadways, a car van rental lot, a one-story commercial building, and a three-story residential building.
The proposed development will include the construction of a four-level parking garage with a footprint of approximately 25,000 square feet. As the site grades change from one end to the other, the lowest level parking will be partially below grade.
JZN Engineering provided geotechnical investigation and engineering services to assess the subsurface soils conditions and provide recommendations for foundation design, neighboring building foundation conditions, and earthwork specifications. Due to the presence of underlying loose sand deposits, we recommended the new column foundations be supported on either driven steel H-piles or drilled displacement piles with allowable axial compressive capacities and uplift capacities of up to 175 tons and 100 tons, respectively.
In order to allow for the construction of the lowest level parking garage, an SOE system consisting of drilled casing soldier piles and safe soil slopes was designed taking into consideration the neighboring building foundations and loads. In addition, JZN provided a pre-construction report, and designed a vibration monitoring and surveying plan to be utilized during SOE and foundation construction.
¨ Subsurface Investigation
¨ Deep Foundation Design
¨ Existing Neighboring Foundations Investigation
¨ Support of Excavation Design
The project site is located at 34-02 Starr Avenue in Long Island City, Borough of Queens, City & State of New York and is bounded by two public roadways and several one to two-story commercial buildings and warehouses.
The proposed development will include the construction of a new office level to an existing building, and the construction of two new multi-story studio buildings.
JZN Engineering provided geotechnical investigation and engineering services to assess the subsurface soils conditions and provide recommendations for foundation design, existing building foundation conditions, and earthwork specifications. Due to the presence of underlying soft, highly compressible organic deposits, we recommended the new building foundations be supported on either driven timber piles or steel H-piles with allowable axial compressive capacities of up to 60 tons. Due to low clearance, and in order to limit vibrations during foundation construction, we recommended the new column foundations for the existing building expansion be supported on drilled micropiles or helical piles with allowable axial compressive capacities of up to 30 tons.
¨ Subsurface Investigation
¨ Deep Foundation Design
¨ Existing Building Foundation Investigation
Our mission is to provide responsive and quality engineering consultant services to our clients, with the objective of developing long-term client relationships. We work diligently to contribute to our clients success by providing an unmatched combination of our technical expertise, practical experience and responsiveness.
Phone : (973) 218-6561
Address: 959 S. Springfield Avenue Suite 100 Springfield, NJ 07081
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