We provided geotechnical engineering services to assess the subsurface conditions and provided recommendations for foundation design, Support of Excavation design, and soil management and earthwork specifications. Recommendations included dynamic analysis of multiple foundation elements including mat slab foundation, drilled caissons, and driven piles to provide an effective design of the building. In addition, JZN provided the design of the tie down system, construction quality assurance during the SOE installation and construction quality inspection of the foundation elements.
¨ Subsurface Investigation
¨ Deep Foundation & Tie-Down Design
¨ Contractor Support
¨ Construction Quality Control/Special Inspection
¨ Support of Excavation Design
¨ MTA Permitting and Approvals
The project site is located at 222 East 44th Street in the Borough of Manhattan, City & State of New York. The development consisted of a 556 foot tall, 43 story tower with one underground parking level. The development included 429 residential units.
JZN provided geotechnical investigation and engineering services to assess the subsurface soils conditions and provided recommendations for foundation design, Support of Excavation, soil management and earthwork specifications. The geotechnical investigation included extensive rock coring and rock quality analysis. The foundations consisted of shallow foundations on rock with rock anchor tie-downs. JZN provided SOE design that utilized the existing building basement walls to be used as elements of support of excavation while removing the foundation and lowering the basement slab elevation.
JZN overcame the challenges of the necessary foundation construction activities directly adjacent to existing high rise residential and commercial buildings. JZN coordinated a remote vibration and tilt monitoring program of multiple high rise neighboring buildings.
¨ Subsurface Investigation
¨ Shallow Foundation on Rock & Tie-Down Design
¨ Contractor Support
¨ Construction Quality Control/Special Inspection
¨ Support of Excavation Design
¨ Vibration and Tilt Monitoring
¨ Pre- & Post-Construction Conditions Surveys
The project site is located at 27-21 44th Drive, Long Island City, Queens, New York near Jackson Avenue. The development consisted of a 120-unit, 27-story red-brick-faced tower with a full basement. The site was bordered by multi-story buildings on either side and an existing NYDOT retaining wall on the 44th Drive side of the site.
JZN Engineering provided geotechnical investigation and engineering services to assess the subsurface soils conditions and provided recommendations for foundation design, Support of Excavation, soil management, and earthwork specifications. The geotechnical investigation included soil and rock sampling. The foundations consisted of deep driven H-pile foundations on rock and drilled rock anchor tie-downs. JZN provided SOE design that included reviewing the existing NYDOT retaining wall and providing consulting services to coordinate the construction of the project adjacent to the existing NYDOT retaining wall. Load testing and performance/proof testing was performed on the driven H-piles and drilled rock anchor tie-downs. Additionally, JZN provided pre-construction services and special inspection services for the deep driven pile foundations and drilled rock anchor tie-downs.
¨ Subsurface Investigation
¨ Driven Deep Foundation & Tie-Down Design
¨ Contractor Support
¨ Construction Quality Control/Special Inspection
¨ Support of Excavation Design
¨ Pre- & Post-Construction Conditions Surveys
The site is located at 145 West Street, Borough of Brooklyn, City & State of New York. The project site is bounded by Huron Street to the north, India Street to the south, West Street to the east and East River to the west.
The proposed development included the construction of a six -story mixed-use building with cellar, a five-story mixed-use building with cellar and a 39-story mixed–use building. The development includes residential units, parking and commercial spaces.
JZN Engineering provided SOE design recommendations and consulting services for the six (6)-story building and subsequent special inspection of the SOE elements which included a combination of soldier piles with slurry walls and sheet piles. Due to shallow groundwater conditions and adjacent structures a groundwater cut-off SOE was designed. Weight compensation program was designed within the proposed Waterview Park in order to cancel out settlement of the park due to loads induced by the park’s features. Additionally, JZN provided on-site special inspections including: SOE installation inspection, subgrade and backfill inspection for structural elements, pile driving inspection, and weight compensation inspection.
¨ Contractor Support
¨ Support of Excavation Design
¨ Construction Quality Control/Special Inspection
¨ Stabilization of the Park Subgrade Using Weight Compensation
The site is located at 55 Bank Street, White Plains, Westchester County in the State of New York. The project site is bounded by commercial buildings with parking spaces to the north, a residential building with ground and underground parking to the south, Metro North Railroad (MNRR) tracks to the east and Bank Street to the west.
The proposed development included the construction of a 16-story mixed-use building with a full 2-story basement. The development included primarily residential units, retail spaces and parking garage.
JZN Engineering provided SOE design to support the adjacent structures which included sheet piles and tie-backs. Site difficulties included the Metro North Railroad running directly adjacent to the project site and two existing 42” & 72” sanitary and storm water lines running directly through the site. Additionally, the sheet piles were later used as the permanent foundation walls. JZN provided the design calculations for crane stability, as well as load test procedures for the support of excavation tie-backs. Additionally, JZN delivered quality control and quality assurance of the installation of all the SOE elements, and conducted the proof and performance tests on the tie-backs installed adjacent to the Metro North Railroad (MNRR) tracks.
¨ Contractor Support
¨ Support of Excavation Design
¨ Construction Quality Control/Special Inspection
¨ Metro North Rail Permitting and Approvals
The site is located at 69 East 125th Street, Borough of Manhattan, City & State of New York. The project site is bounded by East 126th Street to the north, East 125th Street to the south, four (4) four-story residential/commercial buildings to the east and two to four-story residential/commercial buildings to the west of the property.
The development included the construction of an approximately 10,000 square foot mixed-use building. The development consisted of six stories to the north and 12 stories to the south with a cellar level that will include underground parking and commercial space on the first floor.
JZN Engineering provided geotechnical investigation and engineering services to assess the subsurface soils conditions and provided recommendations for foundation design, Support of Excavation (SOE) design, soil management and earthwork specifications. The soil conditions allowed for the entire building to be constructed on a mat foundation. The SOE design included a combination of sequenced one (1) and two (2) level underpinning to support the adjacent structures and drilled micropiles with lagging shoring. Additionally, JZN provided quality control and quality assurance of all the SOE and underpinning elements installation.
¨ Subsurface Investigation
¨ Mat Foundation Design
¨ Contractor Support
¨ Support of Excavation & Underpinning Design
¨ Construction Quality Control/Special Inspection
The site is located at 485 Marin Boulevard, City of Jersey City, Hudson County, New Jersey. The project site is bounded by 9th Street to the north, a 13-story residential building to the west, 8th street to the south, and Marin Boulevard followed by Newport Mall to the east.
The proposed development consisted of the construction of a 14-story residential tower that included retail spaces on the first level and parking spaces on the first four (4) levels.
JZN Engineering provided geotechnical investigation and engineering services to assess the subsurface soils conditions and provided recommendations for foundation design, soil management, earthwork specifications and a seismic design study. The site specific seismic design study was conducted to allow for a more liberal Seismic Design Category rating. Foundation recommendations included driven H-Piles with a lowest building slab-on grade. Additionally, JZN provided quality control and quality assurance of the installation of deep foundation elements and subgrade inspection for the building slab-on-grade.
¨ Subsurface Investigation
¨ Deep Foundation Design
¨ Contractor Support
¨ Construction Quality Control/Special Inspection
¨ Vibration and Tilt Monitoring
The development is located at 197 & 207 Van Vorst Street in the City of Jersey City, Hudson County, New Jersey. The property is bounded by Sussex Street to the north, a football field to the west, Hudson-Bergen Light Rail Tracks to the south, and Van Vorst Street to the east. The development included the construction of two buildings, Quinn and Lenox. Each building consists of 15-stories and occupy foot print areas of approximately 12,000 and 35,000 square feet respectively.
JZN Engineering provided geotechnical investigation and engineering services to assess the subsurface soils conditions and provide recommendations for foundation design, soil management and earthwork specifications. Recommendations included the implementation of a deep foundation system.
JZN provided construction quality control during construction activities which included inspection of the deep foundation elements, pile load test inspection and analysis, and asphalt placement inspection. JZN implemented a vibration monitoring program during pile driving activities. The program was utilized to monitor neighboring structures including the NJ Transit Rail Tacks.
¨ Subsurface Investigation
¨ Deep Foundation Design
¨ Construction Quality Control/Special Inspection
¨ Vibration Monitoring Program
The site is located at 321 Warren Street, City of Jersey City, Hudson County, New Jersey. The project site is bounded by Steuben Street to the south, Warren Street to the east, a four (4)-story residential building to the west and a commercial parking lot to the north.
The proposed development includes the construction of an 18-story building. The first two levels will include parking spaces, retail spaces, theaters, and a commercial space dedicated to the arts. The remaining floors will be occupied by residential units.
JZN Engineering provided geotechnical investigation and engineering services to assess the subsurface soils conditions and provided recommendations for foundation design, soil management and earthwork specifications. Recommendations included driven piles to support the proposed building columns, foundation walls and lowest building slab.
¨ Subsurface Investigation
¨ Deep Foundation Elements Value Engineering & Design
¨ Tie Down Piles Design
¨ Construction Inspection/Special Inspection Services
¨ Contractor Support– Crane & Hoist Foundation Designs
¨ Vibration Monitoring
¨ Pre Construction Conditions Survey
The site is located at 22 South West Street in Mount Vernon, Westchester County in the State of New York. The project site is bounded by the Mount Vernon West MTA Rail Road Station to the north, a one-story warehouse to the south, Metro North Railroad (MNRR) tracks to the west and South West Street to the east.
The proposed development included the construction of a 17-story residential building with a full one-story basement. The development included primarily residential units and parking garage.
JZN Engineering provided SOE design to support the adjacent structures which included sheet piles braced by walers and kickers. Site difficulties included the Metro North Railroad running directly adjacent to the project site and two existing structures sharing a property line. Additionally, the sheet piles were later used as the permanent foundation walls. JZN provided the designs for retaining walls, as well as underpinning for the adjacent structures. Additionally, JZN valued engineered the foundation of the proposed building from deep foundation to a structural mat foundation by finite element analysis.
¨ Contractor Support
¨ Support of Excavation Design
¨ Underpinning Design
¨ Retaining Wall
¨ Construction Quality Control/Special Inspection
¨ Metro North Rail Permitting and Approvals
¨ Value Engineering
The development is located at 300 Coles Street in the City of Jersey City, Hudson County, New Jersey. The property is bounded by a multistory residential building and Eighteen Street to the north, Coles Street to the west, 17th Street to the south, and Jersey Avenue to the east. The project included the construction of a 26-story mixed-use tower.
JZN provided geotechnical investigation services to obtain information on subsurface soil and groundwater conditions. The investigation program included drilled exploration borings within the building footprint area. JZN provided recommendations for a deep foundation system in support of the development which included options such as steel H-Piles and closed ended steel pipe piles. In addition, JZN provided recommendations for earthwork and construction.
¨ Subsurface Investigation
¨ Laboratory Testing of Soils
¨ Deep Foundations Recommendations
The development consists of a multi-story residential building located in 65 Franklin Street in Tribeca, Manhattan, New York that will have three below-grade cellar levels.
JZN provided geotechnical investigation services to obtain information on subsurface soil and groundwater conditions. The investigation program was conducted from the existing structures’ cellar levels with limited access drilling equipment. JZN provided foundation support recommendations that included several options such a mat foundation, micropiles, and drilled full-displacement piles.
¨ Subsurface Investigation
¨ Foundation Design Recommendations
The project will included the demolition of the existing structures and the construction of an approximately 12,200 square foot 27-story building with cellar. The project site is located at 35 Cottage Street in the City of Jersey City, New Jersey. The proposed building will provide retail and office spaces within the first three floors, residential units from the fourth floor to the 27th floor and an amenity space on the rooftop.
JZN provided geotechnical investigation services to obtain information on subsurface soil and groundwater conditions. The investigation program included subsurface exploration borings. JZN provided foundation design recommendations consisting of deep foundations. In addition, JZN provided recommendations for site preparation, earthwork and construction considerations.
¨ Subsurface Investigation
¨ Foundation Design Recommendations
The project will included the construction of an approximately 17,000 square foot 18-story tower over three below ground stories. The site is located at 591 Montgomery Street in the City of Jersey City, New Jersey. The proposed tower will include parking spaces on the three stories below ground, a health care facility on the first three stories above ground, and multiple residential units on the remaining stories of the tower.
JZN provided geotechnical investigation services to obtain information on subsurface soil and groundwater conditions. The investigation program included subsurface exploration borings. JZN provided foundation design recommendations consisting of a combination of shallow foundations and rock anchors. In addition, JZN provided recommendations for site preparation, earthwork and construction considerations.
¨ Subsurface Investigation
¨ Foundation Design Recommendations
The project will included the demolition of the existing structures and the construction of a 13-story building with one bellow grade level. The building will be located at 351-359 2nd Avenue in Manhattan, New York. The development will include an exercise room for residents with storage room on the cellar level, retail spaces on the first floor, and residential units on the remaining floors.
JZN provided geotechnical investigation services to obtain information on subsurface soil and groundwater conditions. JZN provided foundation design consisting of drilled micro-caissons. Additional recommendations included site preparation, earthwork and construction considerations.
In addition to the geotechnical investigation services, JZN provided temporary support of excavation (SOE) and underpinning services to retain the neighboring properties and allow the safe construction of the bellow grade level.
¨ Subsurface Investigation
¨ Foundation Design
¨ Support of Excavation & Underpinning Design
The project will included the construction of a 13-story building to be located at 175 Second Street in the City of Jersey City, New Jersey. The development will include the construction of retail, fitness and parking spaces on the first level, multiple residential units will occupy levels one through 12, and a mezzanine with a pool area will be located on the 13th floor.
JZN provided geotechnical investigation services to obtain information on subsurface soil and groundwater conditions. Recommendations for the proposed development included multiple deep foundation design options consisting of driven piles, and considerations for site preparation, earthwork, and construction.
JZN also provided a pre-construction conditions survey program of the neighboring buildings prior to construction operations, and construction progress inspections during pile driving operations, pile load test, sheet piles installation and vibration monitoring.
¨ Subsurface Investigation
¨ Deep Foundation Design
¨ Pre-Construction Conditions Program
¨ Construction Quality Control/Special Inspection
¨ Vibration Monitoring Program
The proposed development will include the construction of an 18-story building with a one below grade level to be located at 407-413 Summit Avenue in the City of Jersey City, New Jersey.
JZN provided geotechnical investigation services to obtain information on subsurface soil and groundwater conditions. The subsurface investigation included soil exploration borings conducted indoor and outdoor. Recommendations for the proposed development included a combination of shallow foundations with rock anchors, and considerations for site preparation, earthwork, and construction.
In addition, JZN conducted a test pit investigation to obtain information on existing neighboring building foundations. The test pit data was utilized to design a support of excavation system to allow the construction of the building. The proposed support of excavation consisted of a braced micropile and lagging system designed to retain an approximately 18 feet excavation.
¨ Subsurface Investigation
¨ Foundation Design
¨ Existing Neighboring Foundations Investigation
¨ Support of Excavation Design
The project included the demolition of the existing building and the construction of a 17-story building to be located at 885 Washington Boulevard, in the City of Stamford, Connecticut. The development includes a three-story parking garage structure with the lowest level bellow ground, multiple residential units from the third floor up, and amenities on the 17th floor.
JZN conducted the review of a third party preliminary geotechnical investigation and provided supplemental geotechnical investigation services to confirm previous findings and obtain information on subsurface soil and groundwater conditions. JZN provided foundation design recommendations for shallow foundations.
JZN prepared a support of excavation (SOE) design to allow the construction of the bellow grade portion of the parking garage structure. The SOE system consisted of drilled soldier piles with lagging. Our office provided support of excavation, subgrade inspection, and vibration monitoring services during construction activities.
Prior to the commencement of demolition and construction activities, JZN provided pre-construction conditions surveys of the neighboring buildings
¨ Subsurface Investigation
¨ Foundation Design Recommendations
¨ Support of Excavation Design
¨ Construction Quality Control/Special Inspection
¨ Pre-Construction Conditions Survey
The project will include the construction of a 27-story building with a one-story below grade to be located at 618 Pavonia Avenue in the City of Jersey City, New Jersey. The development will include residential units from the 4th floor to the 27th floor, and mixed-use areas from the cellar level to the 3rd floor.
JZN conducted a geotechnical investigation in order to accumulate subsurface conditions data and groundwater levels within the proposed development. JZN provided foundation design recommendations for shallow foundations.
In addition, JZN performed a test pit investigation of existing neighboring building foundations to utilized for support of excavation (SOE) design.
¨ Subsurface Investigation
¨ Foundation Design Recommendations
¨ Support of Excavation Design
The project will include the construction of a 27-story building with a one-story below grade to be located at 26 Van Reipen Avenue in the City of Jersey City, New Jersey. The first three stories will be occupied with retail and office spaces, and the remaining stories of the building will be occupied with residential units.
JZN conducted a geotechnical investigation in order to accumulate subsurface conditions data and groundwater levels within the proposed development. Recommendations for the proposed building foundations included the use of a deep foundation system consisting of micropiles.
In addition, JZN prepared a support of excavation (SOE) design to allow the construction of the proposed development. The SOE design consisted of a combination of soil slopes and a micropile and lagging retaining wall.
¨ Subsurface Investigation
¨ Foundation Design Recommendations
¨ Support of Excavation Design
The project will include the construction of two 27-story towers known as the West and East Towers to be located at 414-432 Hoboken Avenue in the City of Jersey City, Hudson County, New Jersey. The two towers will be connected with common areas at the basement level, and first through third floors. The towers will be constructed at the intersection of Hoboken Avenue and Central Avenue and will limit with the Route 139 tunnel easement.
JZN conducted a geotechnical investigation to obtain information on subsurface soil, rock and groundwater conditions. The acquired data from the investigation was utilized to provide recommendations for the proposed towers’ foundations and related earthwork. Foundation recommendations in support of the proposed towers included options for shallow foundations with rock anchors and a deep foundation system consisting of drilled caissons and micro-caissons.
¨ Subsurface Investigation
¨ Foundation Design Recommendations
The project will include the construction of two 12-story mixed-use building with a basement level to be located at 232-238 Sip Avenue in the City of Jersey City, Hudson County, New Jersey. The proposed building will include a garage on the basemen level, mixed-use spaces on the first level, residential units consisting of studios and one to three bedroom units from the second floor to the 12th floor, and a communal deck on the roof.
JZN conducted a geotechnical investigation to obtain information on subsurface soil, and groundwater conditions. The data acquired during the investigation was utilized to provide recommendations for the proposed towers’ foundations and related earthwork. Foundation recommendations in support of the proposed building included options for shallow mat foundations and a deep foundation system consisting of drilled full-displacement piles.
¨ Subsurface Investigation
¨ Foundation Design Recommendations
The project will included the construction of mixed-use building with up to 27-stories to be located at Coles Street between 14th and 16th Street in the City of Jersey City, Hudson County, New Jersey. The proposed building will include multiple retail spaces, residential units, and amenities.
JZN conducted a geotechnical investigation to obtain information on subsurface soil, and groundwater conditions. The data acquired during the investigation was utilized to provide recommendations for the proposed building foundations and related earthwork. Foundation recommendations included deep foundation options such as H-piles, and closed-ended steel pipe piles. In addition, JZN conducted a site specific seismic study to provide seismic design response spectrum for the proposed structure.
JZN provided construction quality control and special inspection services during the pile installation and pile load testing program.
¨ Subsurface Investigation
¨ Foundation Design Recommendations
¨ Site Specific Seismic Study
¨ Construction Quality Control/Special Inspection
The project will included the construction of 29-story building to be located at 339 Huguenot Street, in the City of New Rochelle, New York. The proposed building will include two below grade garage levels, residential services and garage space on the first floor, additional garage space between the second and sixth floors, and residential units between the seventh and 27th floors.
JZN designed the support of excavation (SOE) system to allow the construction of the two below grade garage levels. The SOE system consisted of a combination of steel pipe piles with lagging and soil slopes. The SOE system was designed to retain up to 22 feet of excavation.
JZN provided construction quality control and special inspection services during the construction of the SOE system. In addition, JZN provided vibration monitoring of the neighboring buildings during SOE construction.
¨ Support of Excavation Design
¨ Construction Quality Control/Special Inspection
¨ Vibration Monitoring
The project will included the construction of a 28-story tower to be located a Church Street & Division Street in the City of New Rochelle, New York. The proposed tower will include an underground paring garage, retail spaces and residential services on the first floor, residential units and retail space on the second floor, residential units and amenities on the third floor and residential units on the remaining floors.
JZN designed the support of excavation (SOE) system to allow the construction of the lower level garage and proposed foundations. The SOE system consisted of a combination of soil slopes and lagging with steel pipe piles filled with grout and socketed into rock. The SOE system was designed to retain up to 20 feet of excavation.
JZN provided construction quality control and special inspection services during the construction of the SOE system. In addition, JZN provided vibration monitoring of the neighboring buildings during SOE construction.
¨ Support of Excavation Design
¨ Construction Quality Control/Special Inspection
¨ Vibration Monitoring
The project will included the construction of a 13-story building to be located a 345 Baldwin Avenue in the City of Jersey City, New Jersey. The proposed building will include a partial cellar level for utilities and residential services, the first floor will be occupied with retail spaces, residential services and parking spaces, a combination of retail, office and gym spaces will be located on the second floor, residential units will occupy the third to 13th floors, and a communal roof deck will be constructed on the building roof.
JZN conducted a geotechnical investigation to obtain information on subsurface soil, and groundwater conditions. The data acquired during the investigation was utilized to provide recommendations for the proposed building foundations and related earthwork. Foundation recommendations included diverse options included shallow footings with rock anchors, and deep foundations consisting of drilled caissons
¨ Subsurface Investigation
¨ Foundation Design Recommendations
The proposed development will include the construction of three mixed -use buildings. The building will by 10 to 14 stories and may include two below grade parking garage levels. The development will be located at 90-02 168th Street in Jamaica, Queens, City & State of New York.
JZN conducted a geotechnical investigation to obtain information on subsurface soil, and groundwater conditions. The data acquired during the investigation was utilized to provide recommendations for the proposed building foundations and related earthwork. Foundation recommendations included conventional reinforced concrete footing and a mat foundation.
¨ Subsurface Investigation
¨ Foundation Design Recommendations
The proposed development will include the construction of a 24-story tower be located at 262 Johnston Avenue in the City of Jersey City, New Jersey. The proposed tower will include a retail space and residential services on the ground floor, a commercial space and amenities on the second floor, a commercial space and a health and fitness center on the third floor, and residential units on the remaining floors of the building.
JZN conducted a geotechnical investigation to obtain information on subsurface soil, and groundwater conditions. The data acquired during the investigation was utilized to provide recommendations for the proposed building foundations and related earthwork. Foundation recommendations included micropile specifications for support of the proposed tower.
¨ Subsurface Investigation
¨ Foundation Design Recommendations
The project will included the construction of a 68-story building to be located a 989 6th Avenue in Manhattan, New York. The proposed building will include two below ground cellar levels for utilities, the first floor to the 7th floor will be occupied with residential and commercial services and residential units will occupy the 9th to 68th floors with proposed recreational and mechanical spaces in the 8th, 24th, and 59th floors.
JZN conducted a geotechnical investigation to obtain information on subsurface soil, rock and groundwater conditions. The data acquired during the investigation was utilized to provide recommendations for the proposed building foundations and related earthwork. Foundation recommendations included shallow foundations on bedrock, shallow footings with rock anchors, and included a deep foundation consisting of drilled caissons.
JZN will also conduct Support of Excavation (SOE) design services for this project to allow the construction of the two below grade levels.
¨ Subsurface Investigation
¨ Foundation Design Recommendations
¨ Deep Foundation Design
¨ Support of Excavation Design
The project will included the construction of a 28-story tower to be located a Church Street & Division Street in the City of New Rochelle, New York. The proposed tower will include an underground paring garage, retail spaces and residential services on the first floor, residential units and a parking area on the second floor, residential units and additional parking on the third floor and residential units on the remaining floors.
JZN designed the support of excavation (SOE) system to allow the construction of the lower level garage and proposed foundations. The SOE system consisted of lagging with steel pipe piles filled with grout and socketed into rock. The SOE system was designed to retain up to 25 feet of excavation.
JZN provided construction quality control and special inspection services during the construction of the SOE system. In addition, JZN provided vibration monitoring of the neighboring buildings during SOE construction.
¨ Subsurface Investigation
¨ Support of Excavation Design
¨ Construction Quality Control/Special Inspection
¨ Vibration Monitoring
The project will included the construction of a 27-story mixed-use building to be located 425 Summit Avenue in the City of Jersey City, New Jersey. The proposed building will include below ground cellar level, retail spaces, and residential units and services.
JZN conducted a geotechnical investigation to obtain information on subsurface soil, rock and groundwater conditions. The data acquired during the investigation was utilized to provide recommendations for the proposed building foundations and related earthwork.
JZN designed the support of excavation (SOE) system to allow the construction of the lower level garage and proposed foundations. The SOE system consisted of lagging with drilled soldier piles filled with grout and socketed into rock.
JZN provided construction phase quality control and inspection services during the construction of the SOE system. In addition, JZN provided vibration monitoring of the neighboring buildings during SOE construction. JZN also conducted geotechnical analysis for a proposed crane pad. In addition, a pre-condition survey of neighboring structures was conducted with a post-condition survey to be completed once the job is complete.
¨ Subsurface Investigation
¨ Support of Excavation Design
¨ Construction Phase Quality Control and Inspection
¨ Vibration Monitoring and Pre and Post-Condition Survey
¨ Geotechnical Analysis for Crane Pad
The project will included the construction of two 14-story multi-family dwellings and an 8-story parking garage to be located at the intersection of Bergenline Avenue and 51st Street in the Town of West New York, New Jersey. The proposed parking garage will include a below ground basement level.
JZN conducted a geotechnical investigation to obtain information on subsurface soil, rock and groundwater conditions. The data acquired during the investigation was utilized to provide recommendations for the proposed building foundations and related earthwork.
JZN designed the support of excavation (SOE) system to allow the construction of the lower level garage and proposed foundations. The SOE system consisted of lagging with drilled soldier piles filled with grout and socketed into rock.
JZN provided construction phase quality control and inspection services during the construction of the SOE system, as well as subgrade inspection for foundations bearing on bedrock and backfill inspection.
¨ Subsurface Investigation
¨ Support of Excavation (SOE) Design
¨ Construction Phase Quality Control and Inspection
The project will included the construction of a 11-story annex addition with a cellar level. This project is located at 120 5th Avenue in the . Borough of Manhattan in the City and State of New York.
JZN designed a support of excavation (SOE) system to allow the construction of the cellar level and proposed foundations. The SOE system consisted of secant pile walls, as well as drilled soldier piles and timber lagging with a bracing system consisting of rakers, walers and heel blocks.
In addition, JZN provided construction phase quality control and special inspection services during the construction of the SOE system, as well as subgrade inspection for the heel block construction
JZN also designed a monitoring plan, consisting of optical monitoring equipment placement recommendations and vibration monitoring, the latter of which we provide the equipment and analyze the data.
¨ Support of Excavation (SOE) Design
¨ Construction Phase Quality Control and Special Inspection
¨ Vibration Monitoring
The proposed development, at this time, is still in the early conceptual design phase. There are a few option being considered and those options would have the building ranging from 42-stories to 58 stories occupying different size areas. The building will be located at 2 Christopher Columbus Drive in the City of Jersey City, New Jersey. The proposed building will include a retail space, amenities, a parking garage and residential units.
JZN conducted a geotechnical investigation to obtain information on subsurface soil, rock and groundwater conditions. The data acquired during the investigation was utilized to provide recommendations for the proposed building foundations and related earthwork. Foundation recommendations included drilled mini-caissons socketed into bedrock, caisson socketed into bedrock, and driven H-Piles, for support of the proposed building.
¨ Subsurface Investigation
¨ Foundation Design Recommendations
The proposed development will included the construction of a 16-story building with one bellow grade cellar level. The building will be located at 711 Montgomery Street in Jersey City, New Jersey. The development will include a gym, a community room, parking, a rooftop for residents, and much more.
JZN provided geotechnical investigation services to obtain information on subsurface soil and groundwater conditions. JZN provided a shallow foundation design recommendations. Additional recommendations included site preparation, earthwork and construction considerations.
In addition to the geotechnical investigation services, JZN provided temporary support of excavation (SOE), consisting of drilled micropiles and timber lagging, to allow for the safe construction of the bellow grade level.
¨ Subsurface Investigation
¨ Foundation Design Recommendations
¨ Support of Excavation Design
The proposed development will included the construction of four buildings high-rise towers; 20 Barker Avenue (13 stories), 7 Cottage Place (12 stories), 240 Hamilton Avenue (25 stories), and 220 Hamilton Avenue (26 stories). The four towers will share a three-story below grade parking structure podium that will occupy approximately 150,000 square feet. The buildings will be located at the above addresses in White Pains, Westchester County, New York.
JZN provided geotechnical investigation services to obtain information on subsurface soil and groundwater conditions. In addition, JZN designed the support of excavation (SOE) system to allow the construction of the lower level garage and proposed foundations. The SOE system consisted of a combination of soil slopes and lagging with steel pipe piles filled with grout and socketed into rock, as well as tie-backs.
¨ Subsurface Investigation
¨ Foundation Design Recommendations
¨ Support of Excavation Design
The proposed development will included the construction of two buildings, a 70 stories high-rise tower connected to a 6 stories garage building. The buildings will be located at 42-02 Orchard Street in Long Island City, Borough of Queens, City and State of New York.
JZN provided special inspection services including revision of plans and specifications prior to start of construction operations, inspection services during the installation of the support of excavation (SOE), and during the deep foundation. In addition, JZN oversaw a load test being performed.
The project’s challenges included revision of SOE plans designed by others within the NYC Transit (NYCT).
¨ Project Plan & Specifications Review
¨ Subsurface Investigation
¨ Support of Excavation Inspections
¨ Lateral Load Test Observation & Documentation
¨ Deep Foundation Inspections
Our mission is to provide responsive and quality engineering consultant services to our clients, with the objective of developing long-term client relationships. We work diligently to contribute to our clients success by providing an unmatched combination of our technical expertise, practical experience and responsiveness.
Phone : (973) 218-6561
Address: 959 S. Springfield Avenue Suite 100 Springfield, NJ 07081
E-mail : info@jznengineering.com