The project included the construction of an approximately 250,000 square feet mixed-use development with several 10 to 20-story buildings and up to 200 residential units to be located between 9th and 10th Streets in Hoboken, New Jersey. Some buildings were proposed to be constructed in the area of the existing piers that extended into the Hudson River.
The subject site is bordered by Hudson River Waterfront to the east, 9th Street to the south, 10th Street to the north, and Frank Sinatra Drive to the west. At the time of field explorations, the inboard portion of the site was occupied with several buildings and trailers. The site also consisted of several piers extending into the Hudson River.
JZN Engineering provided geotechnical investigation services to assess the subsurface soils conditions and provided recommendations for foundation design, soil management and earthwork specifications. The investigation included land and marine soil exploration borings. Recommendations included a dynamic analysis of multiple foundation elements consisting of deep foundations. The recommended deep foundations included close ended pipe piles, taper-tube/monotube piles, drilled piers and rammed aggregate piers. Additionally, JZN provided Level 1 Preliminary Structural Condition Survey of the existing associated piers, boardwalk and bulkheads.
¨ Subsurface Investigation
¨ Laboratory Testing of Soils
¨ Deep Foundation Design
¨ Construction Surveys
The project site is located at the foot of West 20th Street, City of Bayonne, Hudson County, New Jersey . The proposed development included the construction of a bulkhead along the waterfront to allow for the construction of a proposed development on site.
JZN Engineering provided geotechnical investigation and engineering services to assess the subsurface soils, bedrock and groundwater conditions and provided recommendations for bulkhead design, soil management and earthwork specifications. The geotechnical investigation included the performance of a soil exploration boring with rock coring. JZN estimated the engineering characteristics of the subsurface soils; provided preliminary geotechnical criteria for use by the design engineers in preparing the foundation design; and provided preliminary recommendations for earthwork and construction.
Recommendations for the proposed bulkhead foundation design included the utilization of a conventional shallow foundation modular block retaining wall, and a king pile/sheet pile retaining wall tied to dead-men and/or bedrock.
¨ Subsurface Investigation
¨ Bulkhead Design Recommendations
The project included the construction of a bulkhead and eight (8) mooring bollards to be located in the Duraport Marine & Rail Terminal in the City of Bayonne, Hudson County, New Jersey. The project site is bounded by East 2nd Street to the north, Hobart Avenue to the west, Ingham Avenue to the east and Kill Van Kull to the south.
The bulkhead consisted of a series of 54-inch diameter reinforced drilled concrete piers installed within 60-inch diameter driven steel pipe pile “cans”, alternating between pairs of driven steel sheet piles. The eight (8) mooring bollards were proposed to be supported by eight (8) steel H-Piles each.
JZN Engineering conducted construction phase observation services of the bulkhead and mooring bollards. The inspection included monitoring of vibratory hammer and impact hammer, pile driving of the H-Piles, cans and sheet piles.
¨ Contractor Support
¨ Construction Quality Control/Special Inspection
The Cape Liberty Cruise Terminal is located at 4 Port Terminal Boulevard, in the City of Bayonne, New Jersey. The development included the construction of a one-story cruise ship terminal building designed to be supported on a deep foundation system, pre-fabricated elevated exterior concourse and passenger boarding bridges, and a multi-story parking garage.
JZN provided engineering analysis and recommendations for the construction of the deep foundation system in support of the Cape Liberty Cruise Terminal. The deep foundation design consisted of a micropile system socketed into glacial deposits and/or decomposed rock.
¨ Deep Foundation Design
¨ Contractor Support
The development included the construction of a waterfront McInnis Cement Terminal to be located at 50 Oak Point Ave. in the Borough of Bronx, City & State of New York. The site is situated within the former Oak Point Yard on the north side of the East River and west of Oak Point Ave. The development consists on the construction of a 75,000 square feet storage warehouse, truck load-out station, truck scale, ship receiving system, and ship access bridge and walkway.
JZN Engineering provided engineering services to assess the subsurface soils, bedrock and groundwater conditions in the area. The engineering services included a comprehensive geotechnical investigation consisting of land and marine soil boring explorations.
JZN provided recommendations for the proposed marine structures to be supported by a deep foundation system. The recommended foundation system consisted of monopiles socketed into bedrock.
¨ Subsurface Investigation
¨ Foundation Design Recommendations
¨ Vibration and Tilt Monitoring
¨ Pre- & Post-Construction Surveys
¨ Construction Quality Control/Special Inspection
¨ Contractor Support
The proposed development included the construction of an approximately 32,000 square foot truck terminal with 72 loading docks , an approximately 19,000 square feet parking deck, and a new seawall. The site is located at 500 Oak Point Avenue in the Borough of Bronx, City and State of New York. The property is bordered by commercial developments to the east, north and west; and East River to the south.
JZN provided design services in support of the proposed seawall to be constructed adjacent to the proposed truck parking lot. The seawall system consisted of king piles and sheet piles. JZN provided continuous inspection services during the installation of the seawall system. Additionally, JZN implemented and supervised a vibration monitoring program during the installation of the seawall elements in order to protect the existing neighboring structures.
¨ Subsurface Investigation
¨ Foundation Recommendations
¨ Bulkhead Design
¨ Construction Quality Control/Special Inspection
¨ Pre-Construction Conditions Surveys
¨ Vibration Monitoring
The proposed development includes the construction of an approximately 78,500 square feet building with a parking lot area to the northwest, and a bulkhead structure along the Jamaica Bay. The site is located at 2124 Mill Avenue in the Borough of Brooklyn, City and State of New York. The property is bounded by commercial developments and Avenue V to the southeast, Mill Avenue to the northeast, and Jamaica Bay to the north and west.
JZN provided design services in support of the proposed seawall to be constructed adjacent to the proposed parking lot and pedestrian walkway. The seawall system consisted of sheet piles with a geo-textile fabric along the landward side of the new seawall.
¨ Bulkhead Design
The project site is located at 110 River Drive South in the City of Jersey City, New Jersey. The proposed bulkhead is an addition to the existing bulkhead along the Hudson River Waterfront Walkway. The bulkhead is bounded by a marina to the east in the Hudson River and multi-story residential buildings to the west.
JZN prepared a bulkhead design consisting of sheet piles in support of the existing walkway. The new bulkhead was to be constructed and connected to the front of an existing seawall structure. JZN provided shoring installation procedures and backfill specification to be implemented following the installation of the new bulkhead system.
¨ Bulkhead Design
The project site is located at 6th Street in Newport, City of Jersey City, New Jersey. The property limits with a marina to the north, a multi-story residential building the west, and an undeveloped area within the pier to the east and south. The proposed emergency repair required the construction of a new seawall structure to be installed in front of an existing bulkhead system along a northwest portion of the pier.
JZN prepared a bulkhead design consisting of sheet piles supported with a tie-back system. The new bulkhead was to be constructed in front of an existing seawall structure and adjacent to Con Edison Feeders consisting of two ten-inch diameter oil filled pipes.
¨ Bulkhead Design
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Phone : (973) 218-6561
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