JZN Engineering provides geotechnical investigation and engineering services to assess the subsurface soils and groundwater conditions and to provide recommendations for foundation design, soil management and earthwork specifications in support of fuel cells construction.
Fuel cells are usually constructed in well developed areas, and in many cases, fuel cells are proposed to be constructed on existing structures such as retaining walls. JZN provided observation and evaluation of the existing structures as part of the investigations stage in order to examine the stability and suitability of the structures and determine if they can serve to support the proposed clean energy servers.
JZN provided recommendations for the design of new foundations and the alteration of existing foundations based on existing subsurface soils conditions, existing structures conditions and configuration, and proposed fuel cell pad load and configuration.
¨ Surface Investigation
¨ Foundation Design
¨ Recommendations
¨ Contractor Support
¨ Internal and Global Stability
¨ Analysis of Existing Structures
The proposed development included the construction of a Solar Photovoltaic System to be located in the former Bernards Township Landfill situated in Bernards Township, Somerset County, New Jersey. The layout of the proposed solar array consisted of approximately 334 frames with solar panels installed on gravity foundations placed on the landfill cap
JZN Engineering performed a review of the Bernards Landfill Closure Documentation in order to determine if the proposed end-use modification of the land would affect any aspect of the landfill closure design and as built conditions. JZN conducted a solar panel array foundation capacity analysis in support of the proposed solar panel foundations. Additional analysis included a landfill slope stability study consisting of a global stability analysis that took into consideration the anticipated ground pressure at the top of the landfill plateau and slopes.
¨ Landfill Closure Documentation Evaluation
¨ Foundation Capacity Analysis
¨ Slope Stability Analysis
The proposed development included the construction of a Solar Photovoltaic System to be located in the former Combe Fill North Landfill situated in Township of Mount Olive, Morris County, New Jersey. The site is bordered by wetlands and heavy vegetated areas to the north and west, a large commercial shopping center to the east and Gold Mine Roads running to the south of the site.
JZN Engineering conducted a site investigation and reviewed the available landfill data documentation in order to determine the existing landfill cap system and underlying conditions. JZN provided a preliminary feasibility analysis of the proposed solar array which included footing bearing capacity, slope stability, slope sliding and landfill settlement analysis.
¨ Landfill Documentation Evaluation
¨ Preliminary Feasibility Analysis
¨ Footing Bearing Capacity Analysis
¨ Slope Stability Analysis
¨ Landfill Settlement Analysis
The development included the construction of a waterfront McInnis Cement Terminal to be located at 50 Oak Point Ave. in the Borough of Bronx, City & State of New York. The site is situated within the former Oak Point Yard on the north side of the East River and west of Oak Point Ave. The development consists on the construction of a 75,000 square feet storage warehouse, truck load-out station, truck scale, ship receiving system, and ship access bridge and walkway.
JZN Engineering provided engineering services to assess the subsurface soils, bedrock and groundwater conditions in order to provide recommendations for the land and marine structures’ foundation design, soil management and earthwork specifications. JZN recommended and monitored a subsurface improvement phase consisting of Deep Dynamic Compaction in order to prepare the site for the construction of shallow and slab-on-grade foundations to be constructed in support of the proposed warehouse building. JZN performed pre– and post-construction conditions surveys on the neighboring buildings, and implemented a vibration monitoring program during DDC operations. Additionally, JZN inspected the DDC, excavation, backfill work, and provided subsurface inspection during the installation of proposed utilities, foundations and pavement areas
¨ Subsurface Investigation
¨ Foundation Design Recommendations
¨ Vibration and Tilt Monitoring
¨ Pre- & Post-Construction Surveys
¨ Construction Quality Control/Special Inspection
¨ Contractor Support
The proposed development included the construction of a 4,500 square feet two-story “Solar 2” structure with parking and landscape areas to be located at 2420 FDR Drive in the Borough of Manhattan, New York City, New York.
JZN Engineering provided geotechnical investigation and engineering services to assess the subsurface soils conditions, investigate the existing building foundations, and provided recommendations for foundation design, soil management and earthwork specifications.
¨ Subsurface Investigation
¨ Foundation Design Recommendations
¨ Deep Foundation Design
Our mission is to provide responsive and quality engineering consultant services to our clients, with the objective of developing long-term client relationships. We work diligently to contribute to our clients success by providing an unmatched combination of our technical expertise, practical experience and responsiveness.
Phone : (973) 218-6561
Address: 959 S. Springfield Avenue Suite 100 Springfield, NJ 07081
E-mail : info@jznengineering.com